FOR ALLE: Åben audition på teaterstykke, Aalborg

Mænd og kvinder 18 - 40 år, Jylland


Vaerk9000 er en international teater - event og Performance virksomhed bosiddende i Aalborg. 

Til vores produktion TRAPPED søger vi henholdsvis 2 Mænd, og 3 kvinder. (Skuespillere)

Produktionen er ulønnet - dog vil rejseomkostninger jf. udenlands ture blive dækket. - Du skal have lyst til at få en udfordring, og have en kamp vilje ud over det sædvanlige...

Forestillingen er på engelsk, og forventes at tage på udenlands turne i sommeren 2013. 

Af samme årsag kommer nedenstående oplysninger på engelsk. 

- For mere information omkring forestillingen Check: eller 


5 Characters; 3 females & 2 Males needed.


- Claude: Female. Age: 24. Features: Bald and sharp boy/girl
- Dora: Female. Age: 28. Features: Charismatic, a little naive.
- Hannah: Female. Age: 26. Features: Grounded, yet playful.
- Raoul: Male. Age: 30. Features: Artistic stiffness, a bit arrogant.
- Pablo: Male. Age: 32 Features: Arrogant, yet artistic and mad by nature.

OBS: Applicant age range is between 18 - 40. You do NOT have to be the specific age to play the part - grounding, nature, experience, and not at least the right “Fit” to the part is most important. 

The writer has no faces on the characters yet and is still to be surprised. So go for it...

What are we looking for:

It is important that the ones who seek for these roles are comfortable in their bodies. It is a performance where the human body is both exposed, worked with and expected to be able to perform at its highest level. Further more, both as a male and female you have to be willing to cut your hair, grow a beard, shave your face, well, even go bald...

How to Apply:

- Step 1:
You send an email to :

The email should have following information:
- Name
- Age
- Email
- PhoneNumber
- Your experience

Deadline for sending your application is Friday the 1. of March.

- Step 2:

You will receive an email by monday the 4 of March with lyrics and a description of the audition.
You are expected to learn and memorize these for your audition.

- Step 3:

Place: The Audition will held at Rapsgade 1.
Date: Saturday the 9. of March. -  You will receive the specific time by email.
OBS: All applicants must be available on sunday as well for call backs.

- Step 4:

In week 11 Applicants will be notified if they have been cast in a role. 

- Step 5:

March 16. First full reading with the cast.
Place: Rapsgade 1.
Time: 14.00.

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